Myth 2

This is a complete myth. While your occupation can influence the risk of developing prostate cancer due to exposure to harmful / hazardous chemicals, radiation sources, or other contaminants, the fact that you are a Veteran increases your probability of developing prostate cancer.

In January 2023 the US Department of Defense, released results from the PHASE 1a – STUDY ON THE INCIDENCE OF CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND MORTALITY AMONG MILITARY AVIATORS AND AVIATION SUPPORT PERSONNEL which has shown veterans and especially former military aviators are experiencing a higher rate of prostate cancer than in the general population.

The conclusion of the study of over 900,000 subjects was clear and simply states “The findings of this study suggest that aircrew and ground crew who served in the military relatively recently have higher incidence of cancer compared to individuals in the U.S. population.” The study calls for further research into the causative mechanisms.


Myth 1


Myth 3