Prostate Cancer. Stop Avoiding & Ask what’s your number

Prostate Cancer - Stop Avoiding

It’s not difficult to determine if you are susceptible to developing Prostate Cancer. If you are a male approaching the amazing Golden age of 50 then you are in the target zone for Prostate Cancer. Yes, there are many things that science suspects are the cause of the cancer but in reality, no one knows why it develops. There is a higher statistical probability if you are over 50, African American, or you have a family history of the disease. I chose not to play the odds and decided to get an annual physical including a blood test that included my Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test. The disease is so simple to defeat if you simply take the steps to determine if you have any indications of Prostate Cancer, and you take steps to address it. The technology available today makes the treatment easy, safe and has allowed the doctors to reduce the chances of the nasty side effects we all fear from treatment.

In November of 2015 I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. By New Year’s Eve 2015 I had finished my treatments through the care of the Swedish Hospital Radio Oncology "CyberKnife" Center in Seattle, Washington. Due to the amazing new technology called “CYBERKNIFE” and expert care of the Doctors and Staff I have NO SIDE effects and am back in the fight and enjoying my life and family.

Many articles seem to be written by the doctors and scientists that research and practice medicine to treat Prostate Cancer, but I’ve not read many articles from patients and survivors. I want to assure you this cancer can be addressed if we educate MEN and the women in their lives to ensure that no one must live with the debilitating effects or worse die from this disease. Men are prone to ignore and avoid the annual physical or we tend to make up any excuse not to admit that we are not “Performing” up to standards. This avoidance mindset is especially true when it must deal with the only part of our male anatomy that sets us apart from a female. No one wants to admit that they are having difficulty performing and we hide the increase in urgency to pee by making excuses such as “too much coffee”. Stop avoiding and go get a blood test to determine what your PSA level is and talk to your doctor about what’s next.

Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness is a national nonprofit organization with the mission to educate Veterans, raise awareness about prostate cancer, and promote new technologies for the diagnosis, treatment, and cure of prostate cancer. As a leader in the fight against prostate cancer, VPCa advances research, encourages action, and provides education and support to men and their families affected by Prostate Cancer. VPCa’s premier programs include the “What’s Your Number?” campaign to encourage Veterans and all men to know their prostate specific antigen “PSA” number, and screen annually. VPCa is a 501c3 charity, and every dollar donated goes to educating Veterans and supporting awareness. I encourage you to visit the web site at and also simply ask for a PSA Base Line test during your annual physical.

You need to know your PSA level as well as you know your Golf Handy Cap or your Bank Account PIN number. If you know a man that is approaching the age of 50, or a Veteran nearing the age of 40, simply ask them “What’s Your Number?”.  The earlier the detection, the easier it is to address, and the chance of side effects is reduced dramatically. Don’t become a statistic because you were too egotistical to admit you were having a problem with your “manliness”.

Get educated, get checked, and let’s put an end to Prostate Cancer.


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